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Th&ma informs managers, administrators, and executives at universities and colleges of higher education in both Flanders and the Netherlands about the latest trends in higher education. For this year's 3rd edition, interdisciplinarity was chosen as the main theme. In this, our contribution could not be absent!

For this special edition, IIS colleagues have written two articles:

  • Interdisciplinary education is important and urgent but also proves difficult to implement. Lucy Wenting, Ilja Boor, and Linda de Greef give an overview of possible obstacles and make five recommendations for designing an interdisciplinary programme.

Read the whole article here (in Dutch)

  • Assessment of inter- and transdisciplinary education requires more attention and coordination because of the complexity and diversity of the fields and disciplines involved. Ilja Boor, Debby Gerritsen, and Linda de Greef propose a new approach based on five building blocks of meaningful assessment.

Read the full article here (in Dutch)

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