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We strongly believe in democratic values such as equality and freedom for all, while at the same time our society struggles with racism, antisemitism, homophobia, violence against religious minorities and oppression of women - just to name a few examples of exclusion.  This course offers scientific insights that help students to develop into autonomously thinking academic citizens who dare to take the lead in normatively complex social discussions. To be able to do this, students must have certain knowledge of core democratic concepts and certain skills to be able to engage in conversation and to listen actively with respect for other people's points of view and a sensitivity to different perspectives. Focusing on equality inspires and connects students. It supports them to take responsibility for the (future) role they play in shaping and protecting our democracy.  

This course will be a mutual learning experience for all students and teachers involved. Together we explore core democratic concepts and relate them to our problematic reality by focusing on one specific topic of exclusion. By reflecting on our own positionality, our own academic expertise and our newly gained theoretical insights, we work together towards the creation of a final manifest through a continuous act of deliberation. During these twelve weeks, we will keep a weekly logbook. Based on students’ own academic backgrounds, everyone will individually investigate the topic in-depth in an essay. 


You can find the timetable on Datanose.


Registration is open to second-year or third-year Bachelor's students participating in an Honours programme. Between 8 June 10 am and 12 June 11 pm, you can register by completing the online registration form that will appear on our website Honoursmodules IIS.

Please note: Registration is not through SIS. Placement is at random. There is no guarantee for placement if you register after June 12, so make sure you register on time. You will hear which course(s) you are registered for in the week of 20 June. 

If you have any questions, please contact us at Honours-iis@uva.nl.

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Honours programme
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