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The Master’s in Forensic Science collaborates with the Dutch Police, with the aim to share and exchange knowledge on forensic expertise. For employees of the police this collaboration has created the opportunity to follow Master's courses within the programme, to deepen their knowledge and strengthen their background on certain subjects within the forensic field.

For whom?

Applicants must hold a HBO diploma or a Bachelor's degree in the field of exact sciences: biology, chemistry, physics, computer science or mathematics or related fields. Applicants with Bachelor's degrees in other fields may also be admitted depending on the nature of the programme and curriculum. Please note that statistics must be part of your HBO or Bachelor’s programme as it is a very important part within the Master’s Forensic Science. All courses are in English.

Courses that could be of interest:

  • Criminalistics and Analytical Chemistry
  • Research and Innovation in Forensic Science
  • Reasoning and Formal Modelling for Forensic Science
  • Forensic Statistics and DNA-evidence
  • Criminal Law and Expert Evidence

Click here for all courses.


Please send an email to: fs-iis-science@uva.nl.