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The IIS has a diverse team of professionals, including lecturers, study advisors, tutors, coordinators, and educational developers. They often collaborate with other UvA faculties and guest lecturers external to the university. Staff are often involved in several different projects, benefitting their professional and personal development and contributing to a stimulating working and learning environment.

External advisory board

The external advisory board is made up of the following members:

  • Dr. Dirk Haen: Senior policy officer Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) (chairman)
  • Dr. Caroline Nevejan: Chief Science Officer of the Municipality of Amsterdam and professor by special appointment Designing Urban Experience, University of Amsterdam
  • Prof. dr. Vincent Icke: Extraordinary professor of cosmology at the University of Amsterdam and professor of theoretical astronomy at Leiden University
  • Drs. Natalija Counet: Jobs of the Future Lead at Amsterdam Economic Board and Skills for the Future Expert at 361degreesLAB
  • Dennis van Galen: Director of cultural centre CREA and the CREA café
  • Drs. Meret Muntinga : Former Future Planet Studies student, Programme manager Sprong over het IJ, municipality Amsterdam
  • Drs. Marwa Ahmed : Former Bèta-gamma student, Biomedical Sciences Msc.
  • Drs. Sophie Heijblom: Former Future Planet Studies student, Biological Sciences MSc.

Annual reports

Our annual reports are available in Dutch.