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In autumn, the new IIS elective Change Making will start. During this course, students and professionals work together on a transition issue within the theme ‘sustainable prosperity’, such as climate challenges or social inequality. This course has a teaching method in which professionals actively participate as co-learners. "Because co-learners are involved, there is a lot of enthusiasm and motivation among the students. They raise the bar because they are not just doing it for a grade, but for a real-world case,’ says Debby Gerritsen.

Currently, Debby Gerritsen is supervising the pilot of the course. Together with Rosanne van Wieringen, she is the initiator from the Education Lab at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies. "Students receive a lot of theoretical education within the walls of the UvA, and little opportunity to do anything outside. We wanted to give students that opportunity."   

Innovative and unique character  

Bachelor students and professionals work together as a ‘think tank’ on a transition issue during Change Making. There is a lot of room for personal growth. The course will be taught every semester (in blocks 2 and 3 or blocks 5 and 6) and will have a changing theme. The theme of the first edition in blocks 2 and 3 of the upcoming academic year is ‘Co-creating Sustainable Future(s)’.   

Rosanne van Wieringen and Debby Gerritsen

This teaching format fits well with the present times. "This generation of UvA students is concerned about the bigger issues of today's society. This is not surprising as they have to deal with them now and in the future. During Change Making, they learn how to contribute to transition issues in order to get a better grip on the big changes of our time."   

Students quickly find out how complex and difficult it is to bring about change. Personal growth and self-reflection are therefore major focal points of the course. ‘This allows you to see what you have learned and where you can indeed contribute.’  

Change Making is unique in that it uses less traditional forms of teaching: 

  • Co-learning: students and professionals from the field really work together, working from different disciplinary perspectives and areas of expertise.  

  • Collaborative vision building: Change Makers create a shared vision for the future. They do this by deploying imagination and innovative thinking and breaking through current systems. 

  • Real-world interventions: Change Makers go beyond theory by jointly carrying out small-scale, real-life interventions.   

  • Attention to reflection and personal growth: Change Makers get to know their own motivators and strengths.   

Get involved  

Are you excited by this future-proof and interdisciplinary approach to education? The first edition of Change Making is still looking for participants. Between 10 and 17 June, students from the faculties at Roeterseiland can apply via Glass.   

We are also looking for co-learners: professionals who deal with transition issues and are looking for innovative approaches and refreshing insights from students. As a professional, you are an active participant. You will take part in weekly co-creation meetings of the project team. Professionals can apply by sending an email to Rosanne van Wieringen:   

More information at