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Dr L. (Lela) Mosemghvdlishvili

University lecturer and coordinator
Faculty of Law
Photographer: Sander Nieuwenhuys

Visiting address
  • Roetersstraat 11
  • Room number: 4.05
Postal address
  • Profile

    Dr. L. (Lela) Mosemghvdlishvili (they/she) is a contemplative teacher working on the intersections of innovation, wisdom traditions, and embodied practices. Lela received a doctoral degree from the Erasmus University Rotterdam for the manuscript “Politics of Mobile Code.” Their research background is in Critical Studies of Technology.

    At the University of Amsterdam, Lela has been employed (since 2018) at the PPLE Honour College as a course designer and lecturer. From September 2023, they will chair a committee of the new IP Theme grant ‘Responsible AI: teaching and learning with AI’ and TLC special interest group (Sig) on the Educational use of AI.

    Lela has 15 years of experience teaching undergraduate students and is committed to bringing novel pedagogical methods to support meaningful and fulfilling education. They have received a number of educational grants, among them TLC’s Educational Research Fellowship and FRIS grant.  

    With the advent and use of GenAI chatbots, Lela expanded their interest in integrating novel technologies in whole-student-centered and holistic pedagogy and is committed to finding a balance between deep (and slow-phased) learning with technologically supported learning.

    A notable part of Lela's life is devoted to the ongoing study and practice of wisdom traditions, meditation, and regular silent retreats for introspection. These modalities are vital sources of insight and understanding to them. Lela is also an authorized meditation teacher.

  • Education Research and Innovation

    A significant part of Lela's academic engagement is related to education research and innovation in teaching methods and pedagogies. They are committed to integrating experiential learning, embodiment, and contemplative practices to enrich teaching methods at the university and contribute to a more wholesome, fulfilling and meaningful learning experience for students.

    Areas of speciality: 

    • Experiential and embodied learning
    • Contemplative Pedagogy
    • Designing interdisciplinary learning modules
    • Designing assessment forms and learning activities for high-order thinking and meta-cognitive skills
    • Introducing compassion, awareness and mindfulness practices in university classes

    Grants for Educational Design 

    (2019) IIS grant for Project-based learning - to develop learning activities for cultivating students' metacognitive skills, namely reflection and self-awareness.

    (2021) TLC Education Innovation grant for the project Designing knowledge sharing practices to promote interdisciplinary collaboration among student

    (2021-2023) Education Research Fellow Two-year research fellowship in education research developing and validating Design Principles of Contemplative Pedagogy for university education.

    (2022)  Fair, Resilient & Inclusive Societies (FRIS) grant for project Cultivating resilience among students to engage with (emotionally) challenging learning material.


    Additional resources and interviews 

    TLC course in Contemplative Pedagogy for experienced UvA lecturers designed and taught by L.Mosemghvdlishvili

    The IIS webpage dedicated to the outcome of the grant for Integrative Seminar IV: Societal Challenges

    Interview about Education Innovation Grant (coming soon) 


  • Publications

    Peer-Reviewed Articles

    Mosemghvdlishvili, L., & Jansz, J. (2018). Free your' most open' Android: a comparative discourse analysis on Android. Critical Discourse Studies, 17(1). doi: 10.1080/17405904.2018.1554536

    Mosemghvdlishvili, L., & Jansz, J. (2013). Negotiability of technology and its limitations: The politics of App development. Information Communication and Society, 16(10). doi: 10.1080/1369118X.2012.735252

    Hofmann, S., & Mosemghvdlishvili, L. (2014). Perceiving spaces through digital augmentation: An exploratory study of navigational augmented reality apps. Mobile Media and Communication, 2(3). doi: 10.1177/2050157914530700

    Mosemghvdlishvili, L., & Jansz, J. (2012). Framing and praising Allah on YouTube: Exploring user-created videos about Islam and the motivations for producing them. New Media & Society. doi: 10.1177/1461444812457326

    Book chapter

    Mosemghvdlishvili, L. (2015). Mobile Internet: Politics of Mobile Code and Networks.  In A. Bechmann & S. Lomborg (Eds.), The Ubiquitous Internet: User and Industry Perspectives (Routledge Studies in New Media and Cyberculture) (pp. 171-184). New York: Routledge

    Other output

    • Mosemghvdlishvili, L., & Jansz, J. (2014). How free and open is Google's Android? An analysis into differences in open-source code development for mobiles. IAMCR: Hyderabad, India (2014, Juli 15 - 2014, July 19).
    • Mangalousi, D. & Mosemghvdlishvili, L. (2014). Arguing for and against the Unitary Patent: a discourse analysis on patent reform in EU. Etmaal van de communicatiewetenschap 2014: Wageningen (2014, februari 3 - 2014, februari 4).
    • Mangalousi, D.& Mosemghvdlishvili, L. (2014). The debate on establishing the Digital Single Market in Europe and its implications for Net Neutrality. IAMCR 2014: Hyderabad, India (2014, Juli 15 - 2014, July 19).
    • Mosemghvdlishvili, L., & Jansz, J. (2013). Understanding the backbone of technology: a conceptual model to research code. ICA Annual Conference: London (2013, June 13 - 2013, June 17).
    • Mosemghvdlishvili, L., & Jansz, J. (2013). An Analytical Model for Analyzing Software Development: linking negotiability of technology with user participation. IAMCR Annual Conference: Durban (2013, July 15 - 2013, July 19).
    • Mosemghvdlishvili, L., & Jansz, J. (2011). Preaching, Negating, and Debating Christianity on YouTube. 61th International Communication Association (ICA) Conference: Boston (2011, mei 26 - 2011, mei 31).
    • Mosemghvdlishvili, L. (2010). Framing and praising Allah on YouTube. 60th International Communication Association (ICA) Conference: Singapore (2010, June 21 - 2010, June 26).

    Doctoral thesis

    L. Mosemghvdlishvili (2021, February 25). The Politics of Mobile Code: Exploring Possibilities and Limitations of the Programmability of Smartphones. Supervisors: Prof. Dr. J.(Jeroen) Jansz & Prof. Dr. P.(Payal) Arora.


  • Workshops for teachers

    Dr. L. (Lela) Mosemghvdlishvili regularly offers workshops and talks regarding novel ways to approaching pedagogy in the university. Their emphasis is on increasing student-centered learning activities, which fascilitate deep engagement with content and highten students self-awareness and cultivate relational qualities in the classroom such as community feeling, compassion, understanding.

    Open for enrollment TLC course Designing Contemplative Pedagogy in Higher Education professionalization course for (experienced) teachers (open for UvA, AUC, and ACTA faculty) 

    On-demand workshops 

    Authenticity in learning: teaching and grading reflections 

    The workshop brings into question the authenticity of written reflections. How can teachers support students to engage in self-reflection, and most importantly, how can such written assignments be assessed? 

    Introductory Workshop in Contemplative Pedagogy

    In this workshop, moments of silence, mindful attention, invitation to engage with inner dialogue, and embodiment exercises are interwoven with the presentation of theory and applications of contemplative pedagogy in higher education. The faculties can request the two-hour workshop and be followed online. 

    Mindfulness in Academic Education 

    In this train-the-trainer workshop, the theory and practice of mindfulness for teachers and students are introduced not through a therapeutic framework but educational. The central message of the workshop is the integration of mindfulness in the classrooms and not only offering it as separate courses. 

    To request on-demand workshops for your department, please get in touch with Lela via email. 


  • Invited talks

    Designing contemplative learning activities for higher education, online, Network of Contemplative Pedagogy, March 9, 2023

    From empathy to compassion, invited experiential lecture at honors course: Reimagining Equality as Academic Citizens, University of Amsterdam, November 24, 2022

    Communal Reading: a powerful pedagogical tool for connection, Education Day, University of Amsterdam, October 6, 2022

    Authenticity in Learning: how to teach reflection, Amsterdam Law Practice, February 24, 2022

    Mindfulness in Academic Education Teaching and Learning Center of Amsterdam Law School (TLC-FdR), February 9, 2022

    A Quest Towards Contemplative Pedagogy, talk at TEDxUvA, Theater Bellevue, November 15, 2021

    Contemplative Practices for Meaningful Education, Education Day, University of Amsterdam, October 8, 2021

  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities