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This course will identify narratives and dilemmas concerning China’s rise, from both Western and Chinese perspectives.

We will discuss questions such as: What is the Century of Humiliation? How is China governed? What are Xi Jinping’s ambitions? Will the Communist Party survive? Will China become the world leader in Artificial Intelligence?

Then we will consider the implications of geopolitical developments: What are the possible consequences of the US-China rivalry? What is the impact of the war in Ukraine on China’s position vis-à-vis Europe and Russia? In what way are Taiwan and Hong Kong connected?

On all these issues, we will focus on information, media, and narratives. We will analyze the role of propaganda and (dis)information and look into what discussions occur on Chinese social media. At the end of the course, we will integrate our findings into scenarios for China in 25 years.

Guest speakers will be Kathleen Ferrier (on Hong Kong and Taiwan) and Bei Wang (on China’s media and narratives).


Ardi Bouwers


All lectures will take place on-campus and we assume you can be physically present during the scheduled hours. You can find the timetable on Datanose.


Registration is possible for students participating in an Honours programme. The registration for the Honours courses will start on June 5, 10 am -  June 11, 11.59 pm. You can register through the online registration form that will appear on Honoursmodules IIS. (registration is NOT through SIS)

Please note: There is no guarantee for placement if you register after June 11, so make sure you register on time. You will hear which course(s) you are registered for before June 30. 

For questions about registration, please contact us at:

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