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The future generation will soon have the task of providing solutions to major complex social transition issues. As an example, the energy crisis, climate change, and demographic changes (due to migration, refugee movements, and an aging population). Do they have the right knowledge, skills, and attitude to manage these transitions? In this training, you will learn more about the transition cycle, a methodology that provides students with tools for shaping transitions.
Event details of Multi-day teacher training for shaping transitions
24 February 2023
09:00 -13:00
Organised by
Katusha Sol
Debby Gerritsen
Ilja Boor

During this multi-day training course in shaping transitions, you will go through the transition cycle as a teacher, a methodology developed by the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of Amsterdam. This cycle consists of several phases; imagine, connect, act and assess. The methodology helps create a vision for the future, map the system, determine opportunities for change, implement an intervention to realise change and monitor the learning and change process. We then make the link to your teaching; how can you apply this methodology in your own course?  

Learning objectives of the training

After completing this training, teachers will be able to: 

  • Use imagination and creativity to create a vision; 
  • Critically analyse your vision by creating a systems and stakeholder map; 
  • Develop a strategy to address a transition challenge and implement an intervention; 
  • Monitor the intervention and critically reflect on both the outcome and the process of the transition cycle and;
  • Guide student projects applying the transition cycle. 

Who can participate?

This multi-day training course is for interested UvA lecturers who are looking to deepen their teaching expertise and hold a BKO. We expect participation in all training days upon registration. 

Training days 

The training consists of five half-day sessions (9 AM-1 PM) and takes place at de Ceuvel, in Amsterdam-Noord. The first four meetings are mandatory, the last meeting is an optional individual coaching session in which we discuss how you can concretely apply the methodology in your own teaching.  

24 February 2023 - Meeting 1: Imagine - vision development 

17 March 2023 - Meeting 2: Connect - system and stakeholder map 

21 April 2023 - Meeting 3: Act - project plan 

12 May 2023 - Meeting 4: Assess - evaluation  

2 June 2023 - Meeting 5: Individual coaching session 

Who are the trainers?

The training is given by Ilja Boor, Debby Gerritsen and Katusha Sol. They work for various educational development projects linked to the educational vision of the Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies in which the focus is on education aimed at social transitions. Read more about the educational vision of the IIS.


Registration has now closed due to enough applications.