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During the live finale of the Create a Course Challenge the five finalists pitch their interdisciplinary elective to an audience and jury and will the jury decide which idea will be realised into a real course. Afterwards, the winner can start developing their course as a student-assistent in collaboration with the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies.
Event details of Finale Create a Course Challenge 2024
21 November 2024
17:00 -19:00


De finale takes place at the Room for Discussion-podium, in the central hall of building E at Roeterseilandcampus. Please join! It is not needed to sign-up to join this event. We hope to see you november 21st!

The UvA Create a Course Challenge

The IIS challenges all UvA students to help think about how education can best be organised, what topics and teaching methods should be covered and what role students and lecturers play in this. With the UvA Create a Course Challenge, students are challenged to think outside the box about how education can be fun, challenging and meaningful.

With this challenge, IIS wants students to play an active role in influencing the way education is carried out at the Institute and thus within the UvA. With the Create a Course Challenge, students get the chance to realise their vision of education.