20 April 2023
Previously, education in academia focused primarily on the transmission of knowledge and information. These educational goals were later expanded to include skills that can contribute to the world around us. The increasing complexity of contemporary issues led to the development of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: a blueprint for peace and prosperity, for people and planet, now and in the future.
Students who are preparing for future challenges in our society will learn the knowledge and skills necessary to engage with the Sustainable Development Goals. However, one element often remains underexposed: developing the necessary attitudes. This involves skills such as being able to cooperate and reflect, to connect perspectives and build bridges between people and ideas, to have the courage to experiment, to be able to adapt, to have the courage to go against the flow and to be resilient. It also requires an open mind, an inner compass and compassion. A number of disciplines in higher education are already cultivating these attitudes, particularly within sustainability, health and healthcare. Moreover, these skills and attitudes are also hugely important in solving other complex issues, where knowledge from different angles comes together. Because these skills and attitudes are required to address the Sustainable Development Goals, they have been defined as the Inner Development Goals (IDGs): 23 skills and qualities for inner growth and development needed to successfully contribute to complex societal problems.
The Inner Development Goals Community provides a space for knowledge sharing on how to implement the IDGs. The Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies has committed to this in the form of the IDG Dutch Higher Education Hub, in collaboration with the knowledge alliance Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Wageningen University & Research, Utrecht University and Utrecht University Medical Center (EWUU). The Inner Development Goals framework is used by the IIS in developing interdisciplinary education, including the creation of the Transition Makers Toolbox, where teachers can find ready-made educational materials and assessment forms to use in their teaching.
The Toolbox website will be launched on Tuesday, June 27, 2023. Subscribe to the newsletter to receive updates and the sign-up link, which will follow shortly.