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On a global scale, there are many issues that have local implications. Think, for example, of overfishing, the spread of infectious diseases and the fast fashion clothing industry. How can local interventions steer global solutions?

This challenging question is at the heart of the education being developed by the Local Global Think Tank. With this form of education brought to the UvA by the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies, students work with students from partner universities around the world on global issues, considering both local and global contexts. Local Global Think Tank is a teaching method that can be implemented in various studies and now implemented for the first time in the UvA's Econometrics & Data Science and Language, cultural and regional studies

Intercultural communications and interdisciplinary collaboration

The project aims to strengthen students' intercultural communication, interdisciplinary collaboration and project and co-creation skills on an international level. In intercultural and interdisciplinary teams, students collaborate both online and offline. They connect diverse perspectives and design solutions to global problems. The challenge is to look at issues on an overarching global level while learning from various concrete local interventions that students implement themselves.

Support from the IIS

The Local Global Think Tank team at IIS supports programmes and teachers who want to implement this type of education but do not yet have the necessary experience and expertise in-house. They offer teaching modules, teacher training, scholarship applications and guidance on setting up international partnerships. This education is designed for programmes that want to engage in internationalisation and expand their curriculum with innovative interdisciplinary education. Students learn core skills, such as intercultural, communication and problem-solving skills, which are essential for their future careers. Moreover, this education provides teachers with an opportunity for professional development under the guidance of the IIS.

Maurice Koster, Econometrics & Data Science programme director says: ‘Econometrics & Data Science is quite exact and case-oriented, with less group work. That's why I thought this was a great opportunity because of the open nature of the programme. Working with students from Dublin, with backgrounds in social sciences and other faculties, is interesting for our students. When we got the opportunity to implement Local Global Think Tank, I thought we should take it.‘’


Programmes that want to implement this teaching take care of the practical issues around programming and scheduling the teaching and recruiting lecturers. Lecturers are involved in implementation and coordination with partner universities. Are you programme director or coordinator of a study at the UvA? Are you interested in implementing this innovative education? Then contact Pauline Vromans and Debby Gerritsen at and