Associate Professor
Leadership and Management
Time use, motivation, innovation.
Work Motivation and Procrastination: Self-Set Goals and Action Avoidance (1998) Universiteit van Amsterdam, Faculteit der Psychologie
Introduction to the Thesis Workbook (Master Business Administration)
Theories of Leadership & Management (Master Business Administration an Executive Program Management Studies)
Performance Management (Master Business Administration)
Thesis Proposal Leadership & Management (Master Business Administration)
Cross-Cultural Management (Master Business Administration)
Research methods in business administration (Research Master Business in Society)
- Professional and Research Orientation (Master Business Studies)
- Writing the Master's Thesis Proposal (Master Business Studies)
- Human Performance Management (Bachelor Industrial Engineering)
- Organizational Psychology (Engineering students)
- Human Aspects of Product Development and Quality (Master Industrial Engineering)
- Research practicum (Bachelor Industrial Engineering)
- Introduction to the Thesis (master Business Studies)
- Phd, Master, and Bachelor thesis supervision (Business Engineering)
- Professional and Research Orientation (Master Business Studies)
- Master Research Project (Master Business Studies)
- Phd, Master, and Bachelor thesis supervision (Business Business Administration)
- Thesis topics: Motivation and time
- I supervise theses on many different topics, all related to organizational psychology. Please refer to the UvA thesis database