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During the live finale of the Create a Course Challenge, the jury decides which idea will be rewarded with the actual realisation of the course.
Event details of Grand finale Create a Course Challenge 2022
24 November 2022
17:00 -19:00

The jury

The jury members are Lucy Wenting, the education director of the IIS, and Tessa Trapp, chairperson of the Central Student Council of the UvA. The chairman of the jury is Peter-Paul Verbeek, the new rector magnificus of the UvA.


The finale will take place on the Room for Discussion stage in the central hall of the E building on the UvA Roeterseiland campus. You are cordially invited to attend! Registration is not necessary, we look forward to seeing you on 24 November.

The UvA Create a Course Challenge
The Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies challenges all UvA students to help think about how education should be organised, what courses should be taught, the kinds of methods that should be used and the roles students and lecturers should play. The UvA Create a Course Challenge is calling students to explore uncharted terrain and think about ways to make education fun, challenging and meaningful. 

The winning course will be launched in the following academic year as an interdisciplinary elective course, open to all UvA students. For more information about the challenge, please visit the website of the Create a Course Challenge.