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The second Frontiers of Forensic Science session of the 2023-2024 Academic year will be dedicated to the recent advances in Forensic (Epi)Genetics.
Kerngegevens van evenement Frontiers of Forensic Science #2
17 november 2023
15:00 -17:00

Professor Titia Sijen will chair this special session on Forensic Genetics, with contributions from Assistant Professor Athina Vidaki from the Erasmus MC, Researcher Kris van der Gaag from the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI), MFS graduate Desiree de Bruin on her research project conducted at the Amsterdam UMC, and forensic DNA kinship expert Lisa Graaf from the NFI.

The Frontiers of Forensic Science is a unique lecture series in the Netherlands organized by the Co van Ledden Hulsebosch Center (CLHC) and the Master Forensic Science (MFS) of the University of Amsterdam. The lecture series has the ambition of providing a platform for scientific exchange and discussion about relevant forensic topics.

As always, attending a Frontiers session is free of charge and we conclude with a social drink. Please register with the button below.

Science Park 900 - Lab 42

Ruimte L1.01
Science Park 900
1098 XH Amsterdam