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How to secure our energy demands in a sustainable way, now and in the future, is one of the main challenges we are currently facing. Since 2022, UvA’s interfaculty Research Priority Area Energy Transition through the Lens of Sustainable Development Goals (ENLENS) has delivered many valuable insights on how to accelerate the shift towards more a sustainable energy regime in Europe. In a series of Future of Energy seminars, a wide range of issues that are implied in this challenge have been addressed, as well as their relation with the Sustainable Development Goals. Jointly, they generate key findings that can help us tackle the multiple challenges the transformation of our energy systems poses for us.

Together with the guest lecturers, we will assess the current state of affairs in the intertwined domains of energy and climate policies, and discuss both governmental and financial implications thereof. We will also look at promising technological developments and progress in sustainable chemistry, and at the ethical and juridical conditions to make a transition toward sustainable energy supply possible. In short, we will examine how to go about making public policy that incorporates scientific, economic, and political realities, but which is also sensitive to relevant moral values and considerations of justice. Taken together, the intersecting perspectives can help us understand how we can try to attain the Sustainable Development Goals.


Dr. Coyan Tromp


You can find the timetable on Datanose.

Entry requirements

Open to second and third year bachelor students.


UvA Bachelor's students can register from 2 to 9 December 2024 in the GLASS registration rounds. Master’s students can send a short motivation to keuzeonderwijs-iis@uva.nl.

‘Bijvak’ students and contract students can register from 2 December 2024 until one week prior to the start of the course, by completing the online registration form.

If you have any trouble while registering, please contact us at keuzeonderwijs-iis@uva.nl.


Prices can be found on the IIS website.

SDGs in education

The IIS strives to reflect current societal issues and challenges in our elective courses, honours modules and degree programmes and attempts to integrate the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in this course. For more information about these goals, please visit the SDGs website.

Facts & Figures
Open UvA Course
Language of instruction
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