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We are very proud to announce that IIS education initiative Placemaking is among the final three nominees of the Dutch Education Grant 2023! The first, second and third place will be announced on Thursday 29 June. Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf will award the grants during the ComeniusFestival.

The award is an annual initiative of the National Educational Research Organisation (NRO) on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. The grant is intended as a great token of appreciation for teaching teams that have improved or developed a teaching initiative. It is also intended as an incentive for teachers to continue with educational innovation and knowledge sharing.

With the educational initiative Placemaking, students contribute to a sustainable relationship between the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and the city. Almost 500 students have now participated in the course, spread across three UvA locations (Science Park, Roeterseiland Campus and Universiteitskwartier). In this way, students contribute to the place where they study.

Would you like to attend the ceremony? Then sign up for the ComeniusFestival. The festival will take place at De Woonindustrie in Nieuwegein. Entrance is free.