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Last week, many students and employees of the UvA cast their vote for the Create a Course challenge 2023, "Future change" edition. Find out in random order which students received the most votes for their course idea and, as a result, secured their spot in the grand finale.

The five ideas that proceed to the grand finale:

1. "All Eyes on Us: Cyberfeminism and Digital Surveillance", door Anna Vrtiak & Lisa van Oosten, masterstudent Digital Business en bachelorstudent Information Science (FNWI)

2. "Decoding our Future: Opportunities and Threats of the Digital Revolution", door Annika Iselhorst, bachelorstudent politicologie (FMG)

3. "Quantum Leap in Social Sciences", door Luca Bausani, bachelorstudent Computational Social Science (FMG)

4. "Who Are My People: Towards Community Values in the Age of Hyper-Individualism", door Evita Shrestha & Sascha Kraft, bachelorstudenten Psychologie (FMG)

5. "Why Things Go Viral?", door Shreya Shreemani Kumar, masterstudent Finance (FEB)

Review the detailed descriptions of their ideas here

The grand finale

You are cordially invited to join us the live finale on Thursday 23 November, from 5 – 7 PM (Central European Time). During the grand finale, the jury decides which course idea will be rewarded with the realisation of the course. The winner will then further develop the course together with the IIS. Next academic year, the winning course will be on the UvA curriculum as an elective course open to all UvA students.