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The course "Citizenship, Democracy, and Education in a Digital World" is designed to broaden students' understanding of how digitalization intersects with themes like citizenship, democracy, and education. This course fits within the broader context of interdisciplinary studies by integrating perspectives from the humanities, social sciences, economics, and law.

Throughout the course, students explore key theoretical frameworks and engage in critical analysis of the implications of digital technologies on democratic processes and citizenship by identifying underlying assumptions, biases, and power dynamics. Students assess the strengths and weaknesses of existing policies and practices in addressing digital citizenship and democratic challenges, and synthesize insights from multiple disciplines into innovative solutions for real-world issues involving digital citizenship and democracy. An example of such innovative solution is the digital participatory platform OpenStad in the municipality of Amsterdam that aims to increase citizen participation and engagement in local governmental decision-making.

The course structure includes five thematic lectures, which focus on both theoretical and analytical aspects, followed practical lectures, which focus on interventions, discussions and group work. Students collaborate in groups to identify and address real-world problems related to digital citizenship. While doing so, students move beyond doing online research and get in touch with the people and organization involved to actually ‘meet the problem’. They will produce a written report and a creative project (e.g., blog, vlog, podcast episode) to present their findings to local stakeholders in a symposium setting

Overall, this course is designed to equip students with a comprehensive understanding of the complex relationships between digitalization, citizenship, democracy, and education, fostering critical thinking and practical problem-solving skills within an interdisciplinary framework.


Lianne Hoek & Bidisha Chaudhuri


All lectures will take place on-campus and we assume you can be physically present during the scheduled hours. You can find the timetable on Datanose.


Registration is possible for students participating in an Honours programme. The registration period for the Honours courses will be from November 29, 10:00 am to December 3, 11.59 pm. You can register through the online registration form that will appear on Honoursmodules IIS. (registration is NOT through SIS)

Please note: Placement is not guaranteed if you register after December 3, so make sure you register on time. You will hear which course(s) you are registered for before December 15

For questions about registration, please contact us at: Honours-iis@uva.nl

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