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Please note! This programme has been accredited but awaits administrative procedures. Pre-registration is already possible. Sign up for the newsletter to be the first to hear when the official registrations open.

Digital Student Service Desk

Contact the Digital Student Service Desk if you have questions about choosing a programme, enrolment, admissions, student finance, tuition fees or other general questions about studying at the UvA.

Programme Assistant

For programme specific questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us: csp-iis-science@uva.nl

Study Adviser

For information and advice concerning the study and study related matters, please contact the study adviser: studieadviseur-iis@uva.nl.

Information for International degree students

International degree students with questions about the application procedure can contact the International Team using this web form.

Explore your campus

Want to see where you will be studying? Explore the campus in our virtual map, or plan a visit and experience it yourself using the interactive app.