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Dr. W. (Wendelien) van Eerde

Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde
Sectie Leadership & Management
Fotograaf: FEB

  • Plantage Muidergracht 12
  • Kamernummer: M1.40
  • Postbus 15953
    1001 NL Amsterdam
  • Profile


    Associate Professor

    Research programme

    Leadership and Management

    Research interests

    Time use, motivation, innovation.

    Dissertation title

    Work Motivation and Procrastination: Self-Set Goals and Action Avoidance (1998) Universiteit van Amsterdam, Faculteit der Psychologie 

  • Teaching

    Teaching activities

    Current year

    Introduction to the Thesis Workbook (Master Business Administration)
    Theories of Leadership & Management (Master Business Administration an Executive Program Management Studies)
    Performance Management (Master Business Administration)
    Thesis Proposal Leadership & Management (Master Business Administration)
    Cross-Cultural Management (Master Business Administration)

    Research methods in business administration (Research Master Business in Society)

    Previous years

    - Professional and Research Orientation (Master Business Studies)
    - Writing the Master's Thesis Proposal (Master Business Studies)
    - Human Performance Management (Bachelor Industrial Engineering)
    - Organizational Psychology (Engineering students)
    - Human Aspects of Product Development and Quality (Master Industrial Engineering)
    - Research practicum (Bachelor Industrial Engineering)
    - Introduction to the Thesis (master Business Studies)
    - Phd, Master, and Bachelor thesis supervision (Business Engineering)
    - Professional and Research Orientation (Master Business Studies)
    - Master Research Project (Master Business Studies) 

    Thesis supervision

    - Phd, Master, and Bachelor thesis supervision (Business Business Administration)
    - Thesis topics: Motivation and time 
    - I supervise theses on many different topics, all related to organizational psychology. Please refer to the UvA thesis database http://www.scriptiesonline.uba.uva.nl/

  • Other activities
  • Links
  • Publicaties



    • van Eerde, W., Beeftink, F., & Rutte, C. G. (2022). Planning New Ideas: Does Time Management Tendency Benefit Daily Creativity?. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/aca0000517


    • Buengeler, C., Situmeang, F. B. I., van Eerde, W., & Wijnberg, N. M. (2021). Fluidity in project management teams across projects. International Journal of Project Management, 39(3), 282-294. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijproman.2020.12.001 [details]
    • Zhang, J., van Eerde, W., Gevers, J. M. P., & Zhu, W. (2021). How Temporal Leadership Boosts Employee Innovative Job Performance. European Journal of Innovation Management, 24(1), 23-42. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1108/EJIM-05-2019-0112 [details]


    • Gevers, J. M. P., Li, J., Rutte, C. G., & van Eerde, W. (2020). How Dynamics in Perceptual Shared Cognition and Team Potency Predict Team Performance. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 93(1), 134-157. https://doi.org/10.1111/joop.12287
    • van Eerde, W., & Azar, S. (2020). Too Late? What Do You Mean? Cultural Norms regarding Lateness for Meetings and Appointments. Cross-Cultural Research, 54(2-3), 111-129. https://doi.org/10.1177/1069397119866132


    • Sirois, F. M., Yang, S., & van Eerde, W. (2019). Development and validation of the General Procrastination Scale (GPS-9): A short and reliable measure of trait procrastination. Personality and Individual Differences, 146, 26-33. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2019.03.039 [details]


    • Azar, S., Khan, A., & van Eerde, W. (2018). Modeling linkages between flexible work arrangements' use and organizational outcomes. Journal of Business Research, 91, 134-143. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2018.06.004 [details]
    • Williams, C., & van Eerde, W. (2018). A Time Use Perspective on Entrepreneurial Initiatives in the Multinational Enterprise. In S. Sindakis, & P. Theodorou (Eds.), Global Opportunities for Entrepreneurial Growth: Coopetition and Knowledge Dynamics within and across Firms (pp. 31-54). (Advanced Strategies in Entrepreneurship, Education and Ecology). Emerald Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-78714-501-620171005 [details]
    • van Eerde, W., & Klingsieck, K. B. (2018). Overcoming Procrastination? A Meta-Analysis of Intervention Studies. Educational Research Review, 25, 73-85. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.edurev.2018.09.002 [details]
    • van Eerde, W., & Venus, M. (2018). A Daily Diary Study on Sleep Quality and Procrastination at Work: The Moderating Role of Trait Self-Control. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, Article 2029. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02029 [details]



    • Kirchberg, D. M., Roe, R. A., & van Eerde, W. (2015). Polychronicity and multitasking: a diary study at work. Human Performance, 28(2), 112-136. https://doi.org/10.1080/08959285.2014.976706 [details]
    • Sirois, F. M., van Eerde, W., & Argiropoulou, M. I. (2015). Is procrastination related to sleep quality? Testing an application of the procrastination-health model. Cogent Psychology, 2(1), Article 1074776. https://doi.org/10.1080/23311908.2015.1074776 [details]
    • de Haas, M. J. O. M., & van Eerde, W. (2015). Archetypes and person-organization fit in law firms. Journal of Professions and Organization, 2(2), 168-186. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1093/jpo/jov003 [details]
    • van Eerde, W. (2015). Time management and procrastination. In M. D. Mumford, & M. Frese (Eds.), The psychology of planning in organizations: research and applications (pp. 312-333). (Series in organization and management). Routledge. [details]
    • van Eerde, W., Beeftink, F., & Rutte, C. G. (2015). Working on something else for a while: pacing in creative design projects. Time & Society, 25(3), 676-699. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/0961463X15577274 [details]




    • Chong, D. S. F., van Eerde, W., Chai, K. H., & Rutte, C. G. (2011). A double-edged sword: the effects of challenge and hindrance time pressure on new product development teams. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 58(1), 71-86. https://doi.org/10.1109/TEM.2010.2048914 [details]



    • Gevers, J. M. P., Claessens, B. J. C., van Eerde, W., & Rutte, C. G. (2009). Pacing styles, personality and performance. In R. A. Roe, M. J. Waller, & S. R. Clegg (Eds.), Time in organizational research (pp. 80-102). (Routledge studies in management, organisation, and society; No. 3). Routledge. [details]
    • Gevers, J. M. P., van Eerde, W., & Rutte, C. G. (2009). Team self-regulation and meeting deadlines in project teams: antecedents and effects of temporal consensus. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 18(3), 295-321. https://doi.org/10.1080/13594320701693217 [details]





    • van Eerde, W., Holman, D. J., & Totterdell, P. (2005). Editorial: Special Section on diary studies in work psychology. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 78, 151. https://doi.org/10.1348/096317905X40826


    • Claessens, B. J. C., van Eerde, W., Rutte, C. G., & Roe, R. A. (2004). Planning behavior and perceived control of time at work. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 25, 937-950. https://doi.org/10.1002/job.292
    • Gevers, J. M. P., Rutte, C. G., & van Eerde, W. (2004). How groups achieve coordinated action: A model of shared cognitions on time. In M. A. N. S. Blount E.A. Mannix (Ed.), Research on managing groups and teams: Time in groups (pp. 67-85)
    • van Eerde, W. (2004). Procrastination in academic settings and the Big Five Model of personality: A meta-analysis. In C. H. L. T.A. Pychyl H.C. Schouwenburg (Ed.), Counseling the procrastinator in academic settings American Psychological Association.



    • Gevers, J. M. P., van Eerde, W., & Rutte, C. R. (2001). Time pressure, potency, and progress in project groups. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 10(2), 205-221. https://doi.org/10.1080/13594320143000636
    • van Eerde, W., & Thierry, H. (2001). VIE functions, self-set goals, and performance: An experiment. In U. K. H. Thierry M. Erez (Ed.), Work Motivation in the Context of a Globalizing World (pp. 131-147). Lawrence Erlbaum.





    • van Eerde, W., & Buengeler, C. (2015). Meetings all over the world: structural and psychological characteristics of meetings in different countries. In J. A. Allen, N. Lehmann-Willenbrock, & S. G. Rogelberg (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of meeting science (pp. 177-202). Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781107589735.009 [details]


    • van Eerde, W. (2007). Time Management. In S. G. Rogelberg (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Industrial/Organization Psychology (pp. 812-813-Vol. II). Sage Publications.



    • de Gilder, T. C., van Eerde, W., & van Rooyen, E. (1995). BASAM-rapport Siemens (plus 17 deelrapporten). Unknown Publisher. [details]


    • van Eerde, W., Buengeler, C., & van der Linden, F. (2018). Temporal Leadership in Scrum Teams. Abstract from 4th International Conference on Time Perspective, Nantes, France.


    • Buengeler, C. K., Situmeang, F. B. I., van Eerde, W., & Wijnberg, N. M. (2016). Never change a winning team? How management team experience affects project performance, and the moderating role of project innovativeness.


    • van Eerde, W. (editor) (2019). Organizational Psychology Review (Journal).
    • van Eerde, W. (editor), Klingsieck, K. (editor), Steel, P. (editor) & Svartdal, F. (editor) (2017-2018). Frontiers in Psychology (Journal).


    • van Eerde, W. (1998). Work motivation and procrastination: Self-set goals and action avoidance. Amsterdam: Faculteit der Psychologie.


    • Kuijkens, B., Mol, S. T., & van Eerde, W. (2008). International experience and contacts at higher levels: Predictors of accepting an expatriate assignment. Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde.


    • Van Eerde, W., Uitdewilligen, S., Hülsheger, U. R. & Schreurs, B. (2023). Do Goal Setting and Implementation Intentions Affect Detachment and Next-Day Fatigue?. DataverseNL. https://doi.org/10.34894/zijguh
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